My friends and I traveled from Sault Ste. Being a First nation or Native American person, I have traveled to many casinos owned by our people: Bay Mills has a five star rating according to my wife Lori and myself. I am a huge corn beef hash fan and Bay Mills has the best I have tasted in a long time.
The food, particularly the buffets, are excellent. This has never happened at the Bay Mills Casino, nor has it happened at any of our Bay Mills Resort stays in the ten years I have come here, or in the last two years that my wife and I have been coming here. In Canada, the casinos are very business-like and if the employees are in a bad mood, they tend to direct that bad mood towards the customers. We love the people, the atmosphere, and the service that we receive in the Bay Mills Casino and the Resort. When grandmother can watch the boys we are gone. However, we have with small children and will be traveling more as they grow. Both of us are mature adults (42 and 54 years young). My wife and I spent our honeymoon at the Bay Mills Resort and Casino two years ago, and now, we return every three months.